From Merriam-Webster: Definition of zaftig of a woman : having a full rounded figure : pleasingly plump Isn't that a much prettier word? Fat... It just sounds ugly, doesn't it? And that's the trap. Being overweight and being a smoker are the last two "acceptable" prejudices. There are no federal protections against discrimination. In fact, ridiculing those who don't conform to the media's definition of beauty has become somewhat of a sport. It's okay, though, because being overweight is unhealthy we're told. Being fat will kill us. There's a whole diet industry out there making sure we know. Many illnesses have a weight component, and many doctors tell their patients they must first lose weight. But one can be overweight and healthy . Or thin and sick. But I digress. Like all the topics we've tackled from A to Z, we're only scratching the surface. And I've lost the whole point of why I chose this for Z. That is body ...